Ένα απλό και καθαρό ξενοδοχείο για να μείνεις στήν Αθήνα. Το μετρό είναι στα 100 μέτρα όπως και ο σταθμός Λαρίσης. Τα δωμάτια ευρύχωρα και καθαρά. Ίσως υπάρχει να μικρό θέμα με την ηχομόνωση, έπρεπε να είναι καλύτερη. Το Πρωινό απλό. Το προσωπικό ευγενέστατο.
Ενα απλό, καθαρό και βολικό για τις μετακινήσεις ξενοδοχείο,δίπλα στο σταθμό Λαρίσης και το μετρό.Τοπροσωπικό του είναι ευγενικό και εξυπηρετικόΠολύ καλή σχέση ποιότητας-τιμής.
Ωραίο ξενοδοχείο σε καλη θέση.Καθαρά δωμάτια ωραία αλλα το μονο αρνητικό ειναι το φτωχό πρωινό και θα μπορουσε να υπαρχει και κατι “ζεστό” στο μενού!!Επισης θελει και λιγο ελγχο το aircondition!Good hotel in central position!Clean rooms!!The only negative thing is the poor breakfast and the fact that there is not hot meal in the buffet!!they check also the aircondition.Friendly staff, specialy Mrs Sofia.
Μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη, που με βάζει πρώτη φορά να γράψω κριτική για ξενοδοχείο, αν και έχω γυρίσει όλο τον κόσμο.Ανακαινισμένα δωμάτια, δίπλα στο σταθμό του τραίνου και του μετρό, θέα προς το σταθμό και τα τραίνα που έρχονται και φεύγουν, καλές επιλογές για φαγητό μέσα αλλα και κοντά στο ξενοδοχείο, δεν πρόλαβα το πρωινό, αλλα το πρωί η είσοδος μύριζε υπέροχα από την προετοιμασία του, ο κύριος στη βραδυνή βάρδια της ρεσεψιόν ευγενέστατος
Πολύ καλό ξενοδοχείο, με πολύ καλή σχέση τιμής/υπηρεσιών. Βρίσκεται σε πολύ καλό σημείο της Αθήνας, βολικό για τις μετακινήσεις. Άνετα, καθαρά δωμάτια και πολύ εξυπηρετικό service.Πολύ καλή λύση για επαγγελματικά ταξίδια. Μειονέκτημα, το φτωχό πρωινό.
Καλή εμπειρία ήτανε η διαμονή στο ξενοδοχείο ariston κοντά στο σταθμό Λαρίσσης.Η τοποθεσία δεν είναι η καλύτερη αφού δεν έχει επιλογές κοντά αλλά με το μετρό που είναι κοντά σύντομα βρίσκεσαι στο κέντρο.Το δωμάτιο ήτανε προσεγμένο και μάλλον μοντέρνο και μπορούσες να χαλαρώσεις ευχάριστα.Η καθαριότητα στο μπάνιο σηκώνει βελτίωση όπως και το πρωινό.Η τιμή του δωματίου όμως όπως και η άκρως φιλική συμπεριφορά του προσωπικού το κάνει σίγουρα μία value for money επιλογή.
Η διαμονή μας στο ξενοδοχείο ήταν αρκετά ευχάριστη. Το προσωπικό φιλικότατο και η καθαριότητα εξασφαλισμένη. Θα ξαναπηγαίναμε σίγουρα.Μια πρόταση για βελτίωση θα ήταν ένα πιο πλούσιο πρωινό, πέρα από τα κλασσικά (κρουασάν, κέηκ κλπ)
Τα δωμάτια είναι προσεγμένα, φτιαγμένα με γούστο, σχετικά πρόσφατα ανακαινισμένα και λειτουργικά. Η καθαριότητα ήταν σε πολύ καλό επίπεδο.Παρότι είναι σε πολύ κεντρικό σημείο (πάνω σε δρόμο με κίνηση) δεν είχε φασαρία με κλειστά παράθυρα. Από το τηλεφώνημα για την κράτηση φάνηκε το πρόσχαρο και ζεστό προσωπικό που συναντήσαμε και από κοντά. Μας δημιούργησαν την αίσθηση ότι επισκεφθήκαμε παλιούς γνωστούς. Η τιμή σε σχέση με τις παροχές ήταν αρκετά καλή. Υπήρχε έκπτωση σε συνεργαζόμενο parking δίπλα στο ξενοδοχείο. Επίσης ο σταθμός του μετρό είναι στο δίπλα τετράγωνο και μέχρι τη μία το βράδυ που κυκλοφορήσαμε δεν υπήρχε πρόβλημα στην περιοχή (γινόντουσαν συνεχείς περιπολίες αστυνομικών με μηχανές). Σίγουρα θα το προτιμούσα ξανά και θα το συνέστηνα και σε φίλους.
Άνετη διαμονή στο τρίκλινο. Δίπλα από το ΜΕΤΡΟ που σημαίνει εύκολη πρόσβαση στο κέντρο της Αθήνας. Άψογο δωμάτιο & πολύ εξυπηρετικό το προσωπικό του.”Αξίζει τα λεφτά του”!! Το δωμάτιο το έκλεισα χωρίς πρωινό αλλά όποιος θέλει είναι οικονομικό.
Ola itan prosopiko poli evgeniko ta dwmatia poli kathara aneto krevati k to mpanio ligo mikro alla den me xalase.dipla apo metro 1 lepto akrivos.den fagame proino alla paragkilame tost k kafe sto dwmatio k itan mia xara.ena arnitiko mono itan to nero tou mpaniou p zestene k krione mono tou mikro to kako.tha ksana meinoume 100%.
Πολύ όμορφο ξενοδοχείο και προσεγμένο!!! Μέιναμε δυο φορές εκεί, γιατί μας άρεσαν τα δωμάτια και ήταν αρκετά καθαρά. Είναι υπέροχη επιλογή για διανυκτέρευση με πολύ φιλικό προσωπικό και σε κεντρική περιοχή, απέναντι από το σταθμό του μετρό. Το μόνο που δεν μου άρεσε ήταν πώς υπήρχε ενας μεγάλος λεκές πάνω στο κουβερλί σαν λάδι και το πρόσεξα με το που μπήκαμε στο δωμάτιο, καθώς επίσης παρατήρησα ότι η μια μαξιλαροθήκη ήταν λίγο βρώμικη σε κάποιο σημείο και την επόμενη μέρα που περάσαν και καθαρίσαν το δωμάτιο είχαν γυρισει τηνη ίδια μαξιλαροθήκη από την αναποδή της για να μην φαινεται ο λεκές αντί να την αλλάξουν αφού το πρόσεξαν και μπήκαν σε αυτην την διαδικασία οι κοπέλες που καθαρίζουν. Το συστήνω ανεπιφλακτα και θεωρώ οτι το συγκεκριμένο συμβάν ήταν τυχαίο, αλλά δν μπορούσα να μην το αναφέρω, με σκοπό να δώσουν λίγη περισσότερη προσοχή οι ιδιοκτήτες στην λεπτομέρεια
Ενα ξενοδοχειο προσεγμένο αρκετά όμορφο κ με φιλική εξυπηρέτηση! Κοντα στο μετρό αλλά όχι τόσο καθαρό, τα σεντόνια μας ειχαν λεκέδες, πέραν τούτου ήταν μια ευχάριστη διαμονή. Το συστήνω με μια μικρη επιφύλαξη ως προς την καθαριότητα, θα μπορούσε να είναι λίγο καλύτερη
+Ευγενέστατο προσωπικό, σε πολύ βολική τοποθεσία με άμεση πρόσβαση στο μετρό και το σταθμό Λαρίσης, καθαριότητα δωματίου, φυσικό φως στα δωμάτια, θέα (όχι η πιο ρομαντική μιας και πρόκειται για το σταθμό των τραίνων, αλλά σε κάθε περίπτωση, ανοιχτωσιά, πράγμα λίγο δύσκολο στην Αθήνα)-φθαρμένα και όχι τόσο καθαρά κλινοσκεπάσματαΓενικά πολύ καλή σχέση ποιότητας- τιμής, θα ξαναέμενα εκεί
Ξενοδοχείο σε καλό κεντρικό σημείο της Αθήνας, ακριβώς απέναντι από το σταθμό Λαρίσης. Πολύ καλή τιμή για μήνα Ιούνιο. Το προσωπικό πολύ ευγενικό και εξυπηρετικό και υπήρχε άψογη συνεννόηση πριν την άφιξη και τέλεια και φιλική εξυπηρέτηση κατά τη διαμονή. Το δωμάτιο μπορώ να πω ότι ήταν καθαρό αλλά λίγο μικρό. Ίσως έτυχε το συγκεκριμένο δωμάτιο λόγω πληρότητας του ξενοδοχείου. Το μόνο που θα έπρεπε να προσέξουν είναι να καθαρίζουν λίγο τους διακόπτες φωτισμού. Στον πρώτο όροφο υπήρχε θόρυβος ακόμα και με κλειστή την μπαλκονόπορτα λόγω των διερχόμενων οχημάτων αλλά δεν ήταν και τόσο νοχλητικό. Δίπλα ακριβώς από το ξενοδοχείο υπάρχει υπόγειος χώρος στάθμευσης που μπορείς να σταθμεύσεις με ασφάλεια μόνο με 6 ευρώ το 24ωρο. Αν και δεν κατέβηκα στο πρωινό κατά την αναχώρηση μου ζήτησα καφέ και ενώ έπρεπε να τον πληρώσω μου τον δώσανε δωρεάν μαζί με συνοδευτικό. θα ξαναπήγαινα
Καλό ξενοδοχείο για την τιμή του,ανακαινισμένο,δίπλα στον σταθμό Λαρίσσης, 50μετρα από το μέτρο,ευγενικό και εξυπηρετικός προσωπικο,λίγο μικρα δωμάτια αλλά ευχάριστος ύπνος.Έχει ενα θεματακι με τα αυτοκίνητα που περνάνε αλλά με κειστα παράθυρα έχει ησυχία.καλό είναι και οικονομικό.
Πολλά αστέρια για τα αστέρια κορίτσια της ρεσεψιόν. Ηταν απίστευτα φιλικές και ευγενικές. Ότι χρειαστήκαμε μας βοήθησαν. Και πάνω απο όλα μας έκαναν να νιώσουμε σαν το σπίτι μας. Το ξενοδοχείο ηταν μια χαρά και τα δωμάτια. επίσης η καθαριότητα του ξενοδοχείου ηταν άψογη όλα στην εντέλεια.
Καλή σχέση ποιοτητας τιμής.Το συνιστώ ανεπιφυλακτα καθως συνδυάζει αξιοπρεπή διαμονή,χαμηλή τιμη,δίπλα σε στάση μετρο.Ωραίος χώρος υποδοχής,χαλαρό προσωπικό,ίσως υπερβολικά χαλαρό κάποιες στιγμες αλλά απόλυτα εξυπηρετικό…Το πρωινό υπερπλήρες με φρέσκα προιόντα κ μεγάλη ποικιλία επιλογών.Θα ξαναρθουμε!
Ftoxo kai athlio proino, ta sentonia den itan kathara, mikro domatio, to mpanio den itan katholou voliko!! Den ime katholou euxaristimenos!! Apo to prosopiko kapoia atoma mono itan xamogelasta kai prothima gia eksiporetisi! Kalo simio, konta stin stasi tou metro!
Το ξενοδοχείο είναι σε καλή τοποθεσία. Συνδυασμός δωματίων και τιμής πολύ καλός. Πρωινό φτωχό και απλό. . Η ταχύτατα και η εξυπηρέτηση του προσωπικού είναι μέτρια. Θα ξαναπηγαινα σε περίπτωση που θα ήθελα κάτι οικονομικό
Μικρό, κομψό και φθηνό. Με πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση και βολικό, αν θέλεις ένα προσιτό ξενοδοχείο απέναντι από τον σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό στην Αθήνα. Τα δωμάτια είναι εντάξει για την κατηγορία του και το πρωινό σχετικά ικανοποιητικό. Έχω μείνει πάρα πολλές φορές.
Η διαμονή μου στο ξενοδοχείο ηταν εξαιρετικη .ο χώρος του ξενοδοχείου ηταν πολύ καθαρός όπως και το δωμάτιο. Το προσωπικό ήταν πολύ προθημο να μας βοηθήσει. Το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα για όποιον θέλει κατι καλό και οικονομικό.
Έχω βρεθεί αρκετες φορές στο “Άριστον” και τηρουμένων των αναλογιών εχω μείνει ικανοποιημένος. Αρκετά καθαρό ξενοδοχείο σε σημείο κοντά σε μετρό και στο σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό. Για σύντομη διαμονή για κάποιον που δε θέλει να ξοδέψει πολλά χρήματα είναι ότι πρέπει. Το πρωινό έχει τα βασικά, λειτουργεί κουζίνα με ωραία πιάτα και το προσωπικό του είναι εξυπηρετικό. Σίγουρα θα ξαναπάω…
Καλή τοποθεσία κοντά στο μετρό , μια χαρά το δωμάτιο , η εξυπηρέτηση .Το πρωινό είναι μέτριο ,θα μπορούσε να είναι καλύτερο .Αυγά μόνο βραστά .Γενικά η διαμονή είναι καλή κ βολική γι αυτόν που επισκέπτεται την Αθήνα .
Είναι καλό για low budget επισκέψεις στην Αθήνα.Βολεύει όσους έρχονται by train και θέλουν να κινηθούν με metro,γιατί και τα 2 είναι με τα πόδια, σε απόσταση αναπνοής.Ανακαινισμένο με ωραία υλικά, αλλά όταν χαλαρώνεις είναι εμφανείς οι ατέλειες της ανακαίνισης(προσωπικά δε με πείραξε).Δωμάτιο πεντακάθαρο με ότι χρειάζεσαι.Κρεβάτι καλό.Το πρωϊνό είναι επαρκές αλλά δεν εντυπωσιάζει, θα μπορούσε να είναι περισσότερο ποιοτικό.Το προσωπικό εξυπηρετικότατο.ΔΕΝ έχει δωρεάν πάρκιν όπως λέει, αλλάείναι σε συνεργασία με παρακείμενη επιχείριση με κόστος 5ευρώ.
Ένα καλό, προσβάσιμο και καθαρό ξενοδοχείο. Το μόνο αρνητικό το πρωινό. Φτωχό χωρίς να προσφέρει κάτι το ιδιαίτερο. Υ.Γ. Μην πιείτε τον καφέ από το μηχάνημα. Ο χειρότερος καφές. Προτιμήστε τον γαλλικό, ο ποιος ήταν καλός.
Κατά την υποδοχή μου η κοπέλα στην Reception μου έκανε check in πολύ γρήγορο. Όλο το προσωπικό είναι πάρα πολύ ευγενικό και πρόθυμο σε οτιδήποτε ζητήσεις να σε βοηθήσουν. Το δωμάτιο πολύ άνετο και καθαρό. Θέα πόλη από το δωμάτιο καταπληκτική. Πρωινό πλούσιο. Σταθμός μετρό λίγα μέτρα πιο κάτω. Room service γρήγορο και φαγητά εξαιρετικής ποιότητας. Snack-Bar πολύ ωραία διακοσμημένο και ωραία θέα τον δρόμο. Περιοχή ήσυχη και τα βράδυα νιώθεις ασφάλεια καθώς υπάρχει η παρουσία της αστυνομίας σε πολλά σημεία της περιοχής. Όλων των ειδών συγκοινωνίας σχεδόν δίπλα σου. Βασικά αξιοθέατα πολύ κοντά με τα μέσα μαζικής συγκοινωνίας. WiFi παντού και πολύ γρήγορο. Κοινόχρηστος υπολογιστής δωρεάν στον χώρο του bar. Έμενα από 8/2-10/2/18 μετά έφυγα για Βενετία. Θα πάω ξανά όπωςδήποτε.
Αρκετά καλο κ σε πολύ καλή τιμή. 100 μέτρα από το μέτρο κ σιδηροδρομικό σταθμο. Ότι πρέπει για να μετακινησε στην Αθήνα άνετα. Σχετικά άνετο δωμάτιο. Ευγενικό προσωπικό. Καλές τιμές αν χρειαστείς να παρεις κάτι από το ξενοδοχείο για φαγητό ή ποτό.
Αν εξαιρέσεις την κακόφημη περιοχη και τα συμβάν που γίνονται ειναι ενα παρά πολυ καλο ξενοδοχείο με ωραίο πρωινό επαγγελματίες ξενοδοχοϋπαλλήλους με ορεξη για εξυπηρέτηση , διαθέτει επίσης πολυ καλο υπόγειο πάρκινγκ επι πληρωμή και οι τιμες του αρκετά καλές !
From the airport to the hotel:Bus: X95Go to the final stop (close by the Grand Hotel)Pick a taxi, it is about 3 euros to the hotel’s door.The staff is VERY NICE! Everything super clean! GREAT! The breakfast seems very nice (I didn’t eat it though, since I had brought my own food) You can leave your luggage hidden inside if you want to check out and continue seeing the city.Good location – 5 to 8 euros to Plaka/Acroples (please, be carefull with taxi drivers!)
I stayed at Hotel Astor for a few days in mid-June on my way to Crete. The location was spectacular–the front door was about 400 meters from the entrance to the Larissa metro station, which is only a couple of stops away from all of the main sites. There was also a Carrefour right next to the metro station, which made shopping easy. Some people in other review have described the neighborhood as ‘dodgy’, but I didn’t feel at all unsafe. I probably wouldn’t have walked down the quiet side streets alone at night, but I wouldn’t do that in most foreign cities.The rooms were very clean and decorated simply, but tastefully. There are all equipped with mini-refridgerators and split units (A/Cs), and there is a free DSL connection. The beds are standard for Europe–not particularly comfortable.The people who worked at the front desk were very kind, but most of them (except for one woman) were not particularly helpful with questions about the city or the surrounding areas.
We had an amazing vacation in Athens and Ariston Hotel made it even better! From the moment we walked in, we were greeted by an amazingly nice receptionist (thanks, Matina!) who upgraded our room form a regular one to a deluxe. When we got to our floor, some of the regular rooms were being cleaned and we got a peek: they look comfortable and the design is wonderful, but the deluxe is more spacious, has a bathtub and 2 balconies. They cleaned our room and changed our towels everyday. Oh, and it isn’t that noisy! We bought earplugs, as suggested, because we thought we won’t be able to sleep… we didn’t need them. The hotel didn’t have a map, but Matina got us one the next morning. Ariston is a great hotel, with extremely kind and helpful staff, great location (a few feet away from the metro), clean, confortable and has a cute, fresh design. We got a lot more than what we paid for! We will definitely stay there again!
The Ariston in the centre of Athens offers very good value for money. Situated right accross the road, by subway and 20m down the street from Larissis station, a direct link from the airport brings you right to the front door where friendly and helpful staff will quickly help you check in and settle you in your room. No room services, but a nice and modern restaurant on the ground floor can fulfill all you needs. The night manager was extremely accommodating in that he opened the kitchen early every morning to make us coffee.The lift is always in working condition, although small, and the landings on the floors are neat and clean. The hotel is over all a quiet, relaxing one.The rooms are small but sufficient, with new furniture and finishes, and the same goes for the bathroom. Most rooms have balconies facing onto the street, where a glimpse of Greek suburban nightlife can be had. Unfortunately there are no views of the Akropolis.In the immediate vicinity are some conveniece stores but the real shopping happens downtown – hop accross the road and take the Metro to Syntagma Station for more upmarket and designer shops, or get off at Monastiraki Station which will put you right in the middle of Plaka and its myriad of small streets, ancient ruins, markets and wonderful restaurants. From Plaka you can walk a block or two to get to the Akropolis.A nice enough hotel offering good value for money, clean and modern rooms with all the required facilities and easy access to all the sights.
I really don’t understand negative reviews when you pay this price for the room. If you want nice view on Acropola, posh neighbourhood and other luxury things, pay yourself five star and you will got it. Ariston is great value for money just across Lariss metro station witch take you all around Athens. Staff is extremly helpfull, specially girl named Matina. Rooms are big enough, super clean, free wifi internet, balcony big enough for smoking cigarets…Negative things would be:I miss bath shadow in the toilet. This is not touristic area so you will not find good restaurant for dinner… Breakfast can be richer… maybe more sorts of juices not just one, better quality of fruits etc. But there is huge supermarket 2 minutes away where you can buy yourself snacks or drinks 😉 so maybe think about to pay 7e for person for breakfast.
Have stayed there several times. Always very clean and comfortable. Newly restorated and calming modern decorated. Asked for a quiet room and gave me one I couldn’t hear a thing!!! Personel very kind, warm and excellent service! The price was very low for what it offered, a real surprise ! Definitelly gonna prefer it for my next trip!
really nice hotel. well designed, nice rooms, good price and excellent location (50 metres from main station and metro) and very friendly and helpful staff. watch out for the map on Google – you need to turn LEFT out of the metro exit i.e. the hotel is south of the main station.
I booked this hotel because of the location and the excellent reviews.My plan was to visit Meteora for 3days and then return to Athens and run the Athens Classic Marathon.I arrived on Tuesday afternoon, checked in and did some sightseeing in Athens.When I returned to the hotel I found out the the Train to Meteora that I have booked will be on Strike… Sophia at the front desk was so kind and helped me find the bus ticket to Meteora!I had a great conversation with her that night, I couldn’t believe it how nice she was! When I left I left my luggage here. I had a room booked for the night arriving From Meteora because the train was arriving late in the night. No problem with storing my luggage!I’m from New York, noise from outside was noticeable but didn’t bother me.I probably won’t stay here if I was staying in Athens. But for my purpose (taking a train to Meteora early in the morning, arriving Athens from Meteora late in the evening) it was an excellent pick.
We had a LOVELY time in Ariston, mainly due to the following factors: (1) Its location (2) the staff (Sophia & Martina) (3) the roomLocation:Located a stone’s throw from Station Larissis is this beautiful hotel at an affordable price. Easy to find– When you exit the subway station, just look around you and u will see it. It is a corner unit. Being away from the touristy part of Athens meant that it was quiet and being close to the subway station meant that we could get to any place we wanted to conveniently. Approximately 3-4 stops to Monastiraki and Syntagma. There isn’t a lot going on in this part of town, but you can find a Carrefour opposite the hotel (abt 3 minutes walk) and bakeries near by, also a short walk away. The National Archeological Musuem is about a 10 minute walk straight down the road beside Ariston- which makes this hotel a great place to stay for your first day in Athens. We didn’t find it to be noisy. Some noise from traffic was there of course, but they were faint as the rooms had very solid proofing. Hotel is abt an hour from the airport by subway, and about 40 mins by cab, a little more during rush hours.The staffThe staff at the reception were wonderful- in particular Sophia and Martina, who were so incredibly warm, personable and gracious. You were both simply outstanding!! The roomWe were lucky to get a corner room with had 3 (yes THREE) small balconies with views of the city roads and the train station. As mentioned earlier, in spite of being by the road, the noise never bothered us. The room was nicely decorated, clean and comfortable beds (not hard) and pillows, with your basic room facilities like mini fridge, bathtub, safe deposit box, hairdryer, tv. The room and hotel itself is beautiful and is very reasonably priced if you compare it to other hotels in more popular areas monastiraki and the likes. Tip: On the walk towards the museum, you will find more bakeries and small convenience stores. So you can pick up your breakfast on ur way to the museum. If not, breakfast at the hotel is 5 euro which is not bad since it is a basic breakfast buffet.
I had stayed in Ariston hotel for 3 nights. The overall experience is great. The location is nice and easy to find very near to Larissa metro station. The check-in process had taken less than a minute. The room was quite small but nice and clean. The breakfast was nice. All the staff were helpful and nice, many thanks to Martina, Elene and the gentleman who helped me go online.I will go there back.
I have stayed for 5 nights at the Ariston. I must confess that I was impressed by the service. I don´t remember having stayed in a hotel where everybody is so helpful and cheerful. On top of that, the hotel is very good value.
Our ferry into Athens was very delayed so we didn’t actually arrive at the hotel until after midnight but still received a warm welcome and advice on where we could go out to eat at that time of night. We also got advice on how to get to the bus station the next morning and free wifi to help us find bus timetables.The room was modern and clean and the hotel seemed very nice, we did only stay for one night so cannot comment on the area much but I would definitely return to this hotel if I was back in Athens.
Only spent one night at Ariston but wish I had stayed there more nights instead of the other hotel I stayed at in Central Athens. The Ariston had clean modern furnishings. My room was very clean and comfortable. The price was great. The location near a metro stop and train station was very convenient. Within a few metro stops, you’ll be to all the main tourist areas in Athens. The staff were very friendly and helpful. I’d definitely stay there again.
Hotel Ariston was a great hotel! The rooms were clean and tidy. Also the staff was super friendly! Overall it was a great experience. I would definitely stay there again. It is also near the metro so it has easy access to visiting different places in Athens.
Spent three nights at the Ariston Hotel (August 29 – August 31). It is just three minutes from the Larissa Train Station. Can’t miss it as it is right on the main street. The check-in was swift and the room was simple but very comfortable. It faced the main road, but as I was there over the weekend, the noise was minimal. The tub was a brilliant touch, and I soaked myself in it three nights in a row! The breakfast was included in the price. It was simple, with bread, jam and boiled eggs. Self-service, so I had like three cups of coffee every morning! I would like to specially mention Matina, who was smiling all the time, energetic and ever so positive. She also complimented on my sandals, which honestly few have liked! (laugh). I wanted to watch a live local soccer match in a stadium, and sought her assistance. She went all the way out to help by contacting her friends and checked the schedule. There was one but the teams had been punished for some faults, and that match, which was nearby, played to an empty stadium! She recommended that I watched the matches in the restaurant next door, which happens to be called “Happy Restaurant”! The staff are very very cool! I had a fun stay at the Ariston! It is in a very local district, and it is safe. I could watch locals as well as foreigners play football in the court across the street. IF you would like to have a taste of local charm, see how the local people live, work and play, the Ariston Hotel is an ideal choice. The cost-performance is high, and it is slightly under one hour to the airport. Would definitely recommend it to adventurous travellers, and young people who are on a budget. It is a lovely hotel.
Well furnished modern hotel, Our group of four had a great week, at Ariston. Most welcoming reception team, Panos, Mattna and Sofia helped us with planning our daily sightseeing and were helpful in many ways besides with a charm and efficiency. Modern Lifts, Larissa Metro is closeby and few eating places within walking distance and best places accessible by metro. I would choose this to come again and again.
We stayed in this hotel Spring 2014. We had a nice room pretty high up which was nice because of the nearby traffic. All was in perfect order. The people at the reception were very helpful. The price is very moderate. There are excelent connections with downtown but all is easy to walk too. We would definitely go back there.
We stayed here again at end of July 2014 and found it as always very clean, the staff friendly and helpful with adequate English language skills. Location across from Larissa Station and the metro subway is very convenient. There are very good restaurants nearby as well.
We stayed at the Hotel Ariston right after disembarking from a week long cruise and arrived fairly early in the morning. At first they had us put our luggage in a back room, but within a few minutes, they had a room ready and we were able to check in. It is located a little north of the city center and the taxi driver charged us about 5 Euros more because of it. But Hotel Ariston is very conveniently located right near the St. Larrisa Metro stop on the red line and we could have easily taken the metro from the cruise port and saved the taxi fare. It was only a few Metro stops to Syntagma Square and a couple more to the Acropolis stop. The front desk was VERY helpful with everything such as checking us in as soon as possible, arranging for a taxi to the airport early the next morning, helping us with sightseeing questions, and answering all of our other questions. The hotel was nicely furnished and clean. We would have preferred a queen bed, but the double was firm and comfortable and that’s what they had. The wifi worked great. It was a great value for the price and I would highly recommend it.
We could see the hotel as soon as we exited the train station, which is not quite 100m door-to-door. Staff at the front desk was helpful and kind. We had to leave the key with the front desk whenever we left to go out, but it was explained that they didn’t want us to lose the key and be unable to get back into our rooms.Good value for the money.
This hotel is just a few minutes walk from the central train station in Athens and so is ideal if you just have one night in Athens like we did. When I booked the hotel through I added comments to say that I needed a gluten free vegetarian breakfast. We arrived on Christmas day and the guy on the reception was most apologetic that they had only seen my request that morning but would still try to accommodate my request. The next morning as well as the standard eggs, cheese and fruit the was also tomato and cucumber. I was quite impressed. The rooms were clean and functional. The shower was good and we had plenty of towels and toiletries. Overall we were very pleased with the hotel and could not fault the staff in anyway. They went out of their to be helpful and their English was excellent.
The room was clean. The view from the balcony was nice. No electric kettle was provided. A bottle of water (500ml) in the fridge cost EURO 50 cents which was the same as that bought from stores. Larissa metro station is one block from the hotel (Change to red line at Syntagma station if going to the hotel from the airport by metro). Traffic was busy in the area but few pedestrians in the streets. There are few small restaurants nearby. Chicken pita available at “Krombacher” located a block next to the hotel (a block from the back of metro exit) cost only 2 Euro. A supermarket, Carrefour, was 2 blocks away and it closed on Sunday. There were a few mini-markets located in few blocks from the back of the hotel. Buffet breakfast was basic, with bread, cake, juice (from pocket ones available in supermarkets), boiled egg, fresh fruits, corn flakes, jam, butter, tea and milk.The staff were very nice and provided suggestions on places for tourists and shopping. Medina printed a map of tourist points and metro route to me and they were useful guide for my travelling in Athens for few days.
We booked this hotel because is the convenience location, just next to the Athens City Train station & metro red line(St. Larissis). As the next day, we had to catch early train (8:30am) to visit Meteora. Hotel look smart outside, bright & airy in the Cafe / breakfast room. The bathroom looks new, but with no shower curtain. Better request higher floor as it’s busy, noisy traffic in front of the hotel.There is a Carrefour supermarket 5 mins walk. Only about 4 metro stop to the centre (Monastiraki, Syntagma, Acropoli). The receptionist really helpful which gave us restaurant recommendation in the Centre, and turns out to be a popular choice with nice food.
Ariston (in greek means “the best”) hotel lays neraby central Larisis station in Athens, where you can get acroos the city by the new athinian red line (metro) that is just a few meters away. Tis makes this location very confortable and suitable to go everywhere in Athens (seaside included…). The hotel itself is small, but very well mantained and furnished with taste and love for aesthetics. Rooms despite the overall hotel dimensions are big and clean with a very accurate and timely service. You have all the conforts included in such hotels category (3 stars) with a good tv set, fridge, hairdryer, autonomous air conditioned (very important). Breakfast is absolutely good and tasty with fresh fruit, salted and swett things and a good coffee (you can have an espresso if you want…), but as a peculiar plus you can be helped by an incredibly kind and professional staff in every need or request you might have. Everyone fo them speaks a perfect english and is just eager to help you discover the magic of this ancient city. So I definitely suggest a stay in this hotel ’cause finally the bill is more than acceptable! Think I’ll book it again for my next time in Athens!
I was traveling alone in Athens for the weekend. I arrived at Hotel Ariston which is right off the main road from the Larissa metro stop. So convenient and out of the super touristy neighborhoods. Yes it is on a main road corner but if your window is closed, it’s a dull roar of basic road traffic, nothing major. I was able to check in early which worked out perfectly. The hotel staff was friendly and always around to ask questions. The housekeeper kept the room fully stocked with 4 towels and plenty of soap and shampoo for a single which was great. I enjoyed my stay immensely and will be back! However I did skip the optional breakfast and found spanakopita and iced cappuccino at local cafes for less than 5 euros (but I’m not big on breakfast). The best part about my stay was that on my last day I overslept. I had plenty of time before my flight but the hotel never tried to wake me or kick me out. When I did go downstairs to check out they were very nice and let me know they purposely let me take my time (until 2 pm). Amazing, fantastic, awesome!! Yes it is a budget hotel so don’t expect robes in your room but they have everything you’d need for a great stay! Thank you Hotel Ariston!!
This hotel was perfect for nor stay in Athens. Literally a 100 m walk to the metro. So convenient ! Rooms are adequate with an odd shower but perfect for uus as we didn’t spend much time there. The staff are incredibly friendly and helpful and they serve a great breakfast.
The rooms are nice and the breakfast is good with a nice seating area. The location is very close to the train station which was helpful for us since we went to meteora from here. The front desk people were incredibly friendly and helpful in helping us navigate around. The only problem is it is not in a particularly nice area and isn’t all that close to the main attractions. However it is very close to the metro so that is a plus
Son Capitato per caso all’Ariston per un sovrannumero nell’hotel dove sarei dovuto stare.Non ci vuole molto per far sentire a proprio agio un ospite in un hotel, ma spesso gli albergatori se ne dimenticano.Questo hotel , a due passi dalla stazione dei treni, ha stanze piccole, ma molto confortevoli, pulite ed attrezzate con quanto serve per esser a proprio agio.Il personale alla reception è gentilissimo è sempre disponibile.Ci tornerei senza batter ciglio!I’ve arrived here by chance, because my hotel was overbooked and I’ve been shifted here.There’s not that amount of things that an hotel manager should do for making the customer’s staying comfortable, but lately it’s difficult to feel that way when staying around.This tiny hotel, close to the railway station, has little rooms very clean and comfortable, with everything one should need to feel at home.The front desk is always available and very kind.I would come back here without any doubts!
One week stay at the Ariston. Met at reception by Sofi after 20 hours flight. What a delight to find we are welcome and our room all prepared. This small hotel is freshly renovated very clean and well located to rail and bus.
in all this place was perfect for me, i dont usually do these reviews but was compelled this time by the friendly feel, i was there 4 nights and felt at home!the whole place was always clean, decor and layout is simple. all staff were friendly and helpful. the wifi was always good in the room and the restaurant. the breakfast had a wide choice, with cereals, greek and continental style. the restaurant food was simple but good value and i enjoyed it every evening i stayed (4nights). the location is good, very close to the metro and main rail station, there was some noise from the street but i think you’ll get that anywhere in athens. i had a good shower with one of those mini bath things i guess you sit in, but i didnt try that. there was a tv and aircon in the room i didnt try either.
This is the perfect overnight stopover if you are traveling to Meteoroa or another short trip out of Athens via train station Larissies. You can walk to the hotel easily in 5-8 minutes from the train station. We told them on the reservation that we were arriving late at night, but I assume they man the desk all night because the same guy was there in the morning when we headed out early for the 8:27am direct train to Kalampaka (Meteoroa). Free Breakfast 8-10 am and free wifi. We stayed here twice beofre and after our train trip, and it was a convenient, clean, and exactly what you need at a good price. Bring some earplugs or sleeping earbuds, you’re in the middle of Athens.
Very good hotel. we stayed there all the times we visited Athens. Very pleasent and helping personnel (especially SOFIA, she helped us alot with hotel, car renting and general information). At first location may seem far, but it is just couple steps away from metro station (you can travel by metro to every point in the city) and from bus and train terminals (who travels to other cities). Rooms are compact, clean, with good working a/c in summer and heating in winter. all apliances operate properly and you can find basic shower set in bathroom. Breakfast is simple but sufficient, you can ask for very early breakfast too. We recommend this hotel for any type of travel.
I stayed at the Hotel Ariston for two nights in October. It is conveniently located less than a block from Larissa train station and the metro subway stop. There isn’t much in the way of restaurants in the area. There is a decent coffee/pastry shop called Everest next to the train station and a supermarket across from the Hotel Oscar. The neighborhood safe, but there are homeless people. The hotel is small, but recently renovated. My room was small, but clean. Beds are hard. But I’ve found this to be true across Europe. One drawback for Americans would be the way you turn on the lights. Your hotel key is a card that you place in a card holder. That controls the lights. If the card isn’t in its holder, the lights or TV wont go on. So, everything is turned off when you leave the room with the key card. I had this type of key card for two hotels in Athens. There wasn’t a big selection for breakfast, but it was tasty. There was good yogurt, honey, fresh fruit, feta cheese, ham/cheese slices, fresh bread, fresh fruit, mini cheese pastries (which as popular in Greece), juice and as much Greek coffee as you could drink.This was a very nice hotel, reasonably priced. It’s easy to hop on the subway and get to the Athens nightlife as well as all the tourist attractions. I stayed here because I needed to catch the early train to Kalambaka. One last drawback, it’s a hotel. It means that you will hear doors slam at all hours. You will hear talking and you will hear street noise. Athens is noisy. These are not quiet rooms. This is something you learn to deal with if you travel in Europe.
I stayed at the hotel with my husband. The check in process was very easy and quick. The location is perfect, 2 minutes walk to the metro station. The room was clean and very comfortable. We left for Santorini and were able to leave our luggage at the hotel since we had another booking right after we came back from Santorini. Matina is amazing. The day we came back, it was early in the morning and she was able to find a room for us before the normal check in time, in order for us to get some rest. We also had a quick dinner at the lobby and the food was really good.
Room was clean, with air conditioning, fridge, and balcony. Very near to Metro and railway station. Busy road outside but quietened down after 11pm. Breakfast was ample, staff friendly and helpful. Lift to all floors